Sunday, February 22, 2009

Don't answer that

Normally, I'm offended by the gender stereotypes used to market media (FuelTV and Mopar Muscle are for men, and women dig Lifetime and Cosmo), because my interests cross over quite a bit. But this time, I'm thankful to not be part of the target market.

While looking for the Dew Tour to schedule it on my DVR, I came across a SpikeTV show called Manswers. AT&T U-verse describes it this way:
Knowledge that a guy can appreciate is presented, including tips on how to spot an undercover cop who's pretending to be a hooker, the surefire method to become drunk faster, and how to take a punch to the head with less risk of brain damage.
Apparently they answer life's critical quandaries, including:
~ Which is deadlier, a samurai sword or a speeding bullet?
~ What are some uses for your urine?
~ How can I get out of handcuffs?
~ How many girls are really bi?

God help us...

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