Women living in countries that outlaw abortions can now take advantage of top-notch Dutch medical care aboard the Women on Waves ship.
See, the catch is that the women are allowed to board this special ship, just like they would any other. But once this boat is floating in international waters, the anti-abortion laws in their home countries become a moot point.
This is a boon for oppressed women throughout Europe. Not only can they receive abortions, but ultrasounds, birth control and general gynecologic healthcare (such as pap smears and breast exams) are provided. (If you are American, think of the services provided by Planned Parenthood.)
According to its Web site, the nonprofit organization sees it this way:
Every 6 minutes somewhere in the world a woman dies needless as a result of illegal, unsafe abortion. In response to this violation of womens human rights and medical need, Women on Waves operates a mobile clinic on a ship that sails to countries where abortion is illegal. This is done at the invitation of local women's organizations. With the use of a ship, ultrasounds and early medical abortions can be provided safely, professionally and legally. Women on Waves aims to prevent unsafe abortions and empower women to exercise their human rights to physical and mental autonomy, by combining free healthcare services and sexual education with advocacy. Women on Waves is a non-profit organization.