Barrow Falls Road in Abbot, Maine, by Tracy Crawford
Courtesy of the Sierra Club's Daily Ray of Hope
"I'm the kind of nigga that'll kidnap your kids, take 'em home, fuck 'em good, and send 'em back to you in bandages." - Keith Nut, "Watch Out" by Fat Joe
Oh. Then you're going to have trouble keeping friends and getting people to trust you and all that stuff. Can you imagine trying to get a job ten years after making this song? ...
~ "You have most of the qualifications we are looking for but we're just going to have to go with the other guy."
~ "Is this because of when I said I'd fuck your kids... and stuff?"
~ "One hundred percent."
Also, what's up with "Fuck 'em good"? It's not like it's going to be enjoyable for the kids. Filed under: Worst guy ever.
"Artist assistants stand next to 3,604 cups of coffee which have been made into a giant Mona Lisa in Sydney, Australia. The 3,604 cups of coffee were each filled with different amounts of milk to create the different shades."
In November, the cries of alarm from Willie, a Quaker parrot from Denver, Colo., alerted his owner, Megan Howard, that the toddler she was babysitting was choking. His yells of "Mama, baby" led Howard to perform the Heimlich maneuver and earned Willie the local Red Cross chapter's Animal Lifesaver Award on March 20.Some others include a turtle fossil, 30-something millions of years old, found to have an intact egg sac (a first here the U.S.); hundreds of stray dogs starving and turning to cannibalism because locals dropped them on an uninhabitable island to get them out of their fishing village; a 772-pound stingray is the largest freshwater fish caught by a rod and reel (they released it, thankfully); and an albino elephant baby born in the wild in Africa (aww!).
Identical twins marrying a set of identical twins -- it sounds like something from a soap opera. But it actually happened in Wuxi, China, so we can only hope that none of them are evil and/or homicidal.
It was unusual enough when Jian Yang, one-half of a set of identical male twins, proposed to Juxiang Jiang, herself one-half of a matching set. But things got weirder when their identical siblings, Kang Yang and Lanxiang Zhang, fell in love at their engagement party. All this led to -- clearly -- a double wedding.
Of course, hilarity and confusion ensued. For instance, Kang once tried to hold his brother Jian's fiancee's hand on a group outing. Naturally, she didn't stop him, because she thought Kang was Jian. And there they stood, until Kang's fiancee helpfully corrected the error. (How did she know?)
Their parents consider the marriages a sign of great luck. Which is good, because with all the potential for accidentally adultery, they're going to need all the luck they can get. That, and name tags.
The analysis indicates that the author of www.metroowl.blogspot.com is of the type:
ESTP - The Doers
The active and playful type. They are especially attuned to people and things around them and often full of energy, talking, joking and engaging in physical out-door activities.
The Doers are happiest with action-filled work which craves their full attention and focus. They might be very impulsive and more keen on starting something new than following it through. They might have a problem with sitting still or remaining inactive for any period of time.
The analysis indicates that the author of www.metroowl.blogspot.com is of the type:
ESTP - The Doers
They are gregarious and action-loving and will probably make your date into a thrill. In relationships they often feel tremendously commited, but want that commitment to be renewed day by day. They tend to get bored easily, and may be prone to switching relationships frequently unless they find an outlet for their boredom elsewhere. Sexually they are more into enjoying the moment sensually than verbally.
Best matches: ISFJ or ISTJ
The analysis indicates that the author of www.metroowl.blogspot.com is of the type:
"Get your kicks while you can!"
The Artisans loves real-life events that can be experienced here and now. Standing in the shouting crowd at a game is almost as fun as actually taking part in it! Personally they love action and will go boldly down roads that others consider risky or impossible. That´s why they will probably gravitate towards sports with tuff independent sportsmen and women. They´re always on the look-out for fun and playful ways to enjoy themselves together with friends.
Sports of preference: Motor sports, Football, Boxing and other sports that gets the adrenaline pumping.
Back in 2007 we noted the return of layaway payment plans, and in today's economic climate the need for such arrangements is clearly even greater. Completely understandable, then, that several upcoming music festivals are giving attendees a layaway option for purchasing their tickets.
The Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival, for example, will take place from April 17 to 19 in Indio, Calif., featuring a range of indie-rock artists. A three-day pass to the festival costs USD 269 plus fees, but this year, would-be attendees buying online have two alternatives to purchasing their tickets outright. First, they can pay just 50 percent of the cost up front, plus Ticketmaster fees, and then have the remaining 50 percent automatically deducted on April 1. Alternatively, they can pay 10 percent up front, plus Ticketmaster fees, and have the remaining amount automatically deducted in two equal payments on March 1 and April 1. The last day to order via layaway is Feb. 28, but the option is not available for single-day tickets or camping travel packages.
The Coachella festival is produced by Goldenvoice, which is offering similar layaway options at its Stagecoach Country Music Festival, also held in April in California.
Country Thunder USA, meanwhile, is offering an EZ-Pay option to purchase USD 119 general admission for its April festival in Arizona in two installments at no extra charge. Tickets must be purchased online by the end of this month.
Finally, for the June Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival in Tennessee, attendees who buy by the end of February have the option of purchasing their USD 249.50 general admission tickets in five installments of USD 50 plus applicable fees. Bonnaroo offered an installment plan last year as well, according to USA Today.
Economic woes may be hitting consumers far and wide, but that doesn't mean all luxuries have to be dispensed with. Be flexible in your terms of payment, and consumers may just pay you back—with interest! ;-)
Knowledge that a guy can appreciate is presented, including tips on how to spot an undercover cop who's pretending to be a hooker, the surefire method to become drunk faster, and how to take a punch to the head with less risk of brain damage.Apparently they answer life's critical quandaries, including:
The certificate in English as a Second Language Studies aims to improve the preparation of instructors in junior colleges, colleges, and private schools... Our approach is to increase students’ linguistic knowledge in general and that of English in particular, so that they may better appreciate the structure of English and that of the first language(s) of their students...
The curriculum consists of the following prerequisites, which may be taken concurrently with other courses in the program, if they have not already been satisfied:
~ ENC 3310 Advanced Exposition (required for teaching English certification) or equivalent taken at another accredited institution (3 credits)
~ LIN 3010 Introduction to Linguistics or equivalent taken elsewhere (3 credits). A competency exam may be required. FOL 3880 Research and Bibliographic Methods (2-3 credits) is strongly recommended for students who have not had such a course, but it is not required.
The following list of 15 credit hours comprises the required core courses. One equivalent 3-credit course may be transferred from another accredited institution or program.
~ LIN 4680 Structure of English
~ LIN 6720 Second Language Acquisition
~ LIN 4620 Bilingualism
~ TSL 4251 Applied Linguistics and TESOL
~ TSL 5345 Methods of Teaching TESOL (or ENC 6700 for English GTA's)
The last two TSL courses are also part of the College Education’s Add-On Endorsement for state certified public school teachers.
The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough. - Rabindranath Tagore
In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer.
- Albert Camus
Keep close to Nature's heart ... and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.
- John Muir
4. "Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB/GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across the country."—Poplar Bluff, Mo., Sept. 6, 2004
15. "It's important for us to explain to our nation that life is important. It's not only life of babies, but it's life of children living in, you know, the dark dungeons of the Internet."—Arlington Heights, Ill., Oct. 24, 2000
16. "One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures."—U.S. News & World Report, Jan. 3, 2000
24. "They misunderestimated me."—Bentonville, Ark., Nov. 6, 2000
Late lies the wintry Sun a-bed,
A frosty, fiery sleepy-head;
Blinks but an hour or two; and then,
A blood-red orange, sets again.
–Robert Louis Stevenson (1850–94)
It is most common for the person taking the year off to use this time to travel (see Post #19 for reasons why). Generally, they will start off with a set amount of money that will use to travel for as long as possible. This explains why a white person with an $800 backpack will haggle with a poverty-stricken street vendor about a $2 dollar plate of food.
Zimbabwe: A 10-Trillion-Dollar Bill
By Celia W. Dugger
The country’s stratospheric inflation rate, one of the worst in world history, entered a new, yet more incredible realm on Friday as the Reserve Bank introduced a new family of trillion-dollar bank notes, beginning with one for 10 trillion Zimbabwean dollars, which is worth about $8 on the black market. The state media reported the bank would also gradually release $20 trillion, $50 trillion and $100 trillion notes.
When written in Chinese, the word "crisis" is composed of two characters. One represents danger, the other opportunity.
"The grand show is eternal. It is always sunrise somewhere; the dew is never dried all at once; a shower is forever falling; vapor is ever rising. Eternal sunrise, eternal dawn and gloaming, on sea and continents and islands, each in its turn, as the round earth rolls."
-- John Muir
~ Everything is more beautiful and overwhelming than you planned for
~ Mountains help drivers keep their sense of direction (as the beach does here in Florida)
~ Many businesses have really cool, funky signs out front
~ Fat people are not permitted to live here
~ Half the grocery stores have funny names
~ Panda Express and 7-11 are everywhere
~ Outside is lightyears better than inside
~ People are friendly and patient, even while driving
~ Things are casual AND laid back (which is quite different from SoFla, which is casual but not so laid back)
~ Generally speaking, people here are attractive (in a natural, silicone- and Botox-free way, also unlike my neck of the woods. Wait, there are no woods here; there are in Colorado, and that's something else I liked.)
~ Cars are dirty
~ It's not near as cold as you'd think, but it's windy!
~ "Wind- and solar-powered", "mom-and-pop owned" and "sustainability focused" are often used to describe businesses
~ Public art is everywhere: sculptures, murals, even groovy multicolored bike-shaped bicycle racks
~ The men are men. (Yum.) Not metrosexuals - ya know, the dudes that shave their arms. (Blech.) Side note: Someone really ought to form a Manscapers Anonymous here in SoFla; those guys need help.